Monday, April 9

Cancer cancer everywhere

Apparently the old adage about good things coming in threes also has its counterpoint.

I found out on Friday that my aunt has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She's my mother's youngest sister. The fact that she's been diagnosed with the very thing my mother died of is more than a little unsettling.

Our dear friends Kaphine and RealSuperGirl sent out word that they were coming back to this coast unexpectedly to see Kaphine's father, who is currently dying of cancer and has taken a turn for the worse.

TeacherRefPoet posted about a student of his who recently lost her battle with leukemia.


  1. So sorry to hear about your aunt. I miss you, and we should talk.

  2. Wow. I'm really sorry to hear that.

  3. Thanks. :-) Fortunately, they caught it early so we have justification for optimism.
